Jean Lucas at Chautauqua photographs, 1919. 1919.


Jean Lucas at Chautauqua photographs, 1919. 1919.

Views of Jean Lucas on rings and bars and with C. O. Dumm.

4 photographs.


SNAC Resource ID: 7468334

Boulder Public Library

Related Entities

There are 3 Entities related to this resource.

Lucas, Jean Colerus (person)

Dumm, Clint O., 1892-1970. (person)

Clint Dumm at one time worked as a photo finisher at Yocom Studios. The Carnegie Branch Library has an extensive collection of his own photographs (collection number BHS 129) from the Boulder Historical Society. Clint Otis Dumm was a Boulder native. He was a member of the First Methodist Church from 1903-1970. Dumm worked as a bus driver, stone cutter, chauffeur and at various other jobs. Active in scouting, he helped organize Boy Scout Troop No. 71, of which he was the ...

Clint O. Dumm, (corporateBody)